Friday, April 4, 2014


Ceremonies are (and should be!) an important part of Cub Scouting.  These are some ceremonies that have worked well for our den and pack.  Some I found any hybridized, others I created:

Other things that may help with your ceremonies:

For den meetings, I have the Scouts take turns leading the opening ceremony.  When the Scout comes in, I give him one of these worksheets (when you print, you will have two worksheets on each page).  The Scout chooses which options he wants (i.e. using the Cub Scout or Boy Scout salute while pledging allegiance), and then he leads the ceremony.

Another thing I love originally came from Gloria Fox of the High Uintah Council of the Utah National Parks Council.  This file is a flag ceremony card.  Print and assemble the card, and you will have a card to give to Scouts to lead flag ceremonies.  It tells them exactly what to say, and what will happen.  I have found it very useful!

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